PPC Services
If you are looking for reasonable profit through your listing in the leading search engines on web then Pay Per Click campaign is the right strategy for you. But remember you might need to spend a few extra bucks.
A few basic reasons why people prefer that paid inclusions include:
- Less time
- Even headed response

Paid advertisements on the search engines are definitely recommendable if the customer doesn't mind spending more money and does not wish to wait for the organic results to arrive. Natural optimization strategy although brings results that are quite stable but the main clash point remains that it takes a lot more extra time to bring out the results.
Google ad words
Google is inevitably the invincible player in the arena of search engines available on the internet. As the popularity of Google gears up so does the option of marketing of website particularly on the Google in terms of paid inclusions/sponsored links. These are generally referred to as Google ad words.
Our Strategy
The strategy of PPC is as follows:
Broad Research for Keywords: A widespread research is carried out on the market of the customer and a collection of latent and prospective keywords is brought up.
Selection of Potent Keywords: The collection of researched keywords is tweaked to have only those keywords which are able to bring about heavy return on investment. Unimportant keywords are eliminated to improvise fast response.
Creating Ad Copy: A striking and catchy ad copy is created which increases the profitability of every click from the traffic that arrives through leading search engines.
Analysis of Traffic: In our attempt increment the response we analyses the traffic paths of the website i.e. paths of arrival and exit. This step allows us to eliminate any incongruity.
Managing Bids: In our consultancy session, our teams of experts conduct a study to determine the bid rates on the basis of which the Ad group optimization is carried.
Calculating ROI: In the time duration of almost 3 months we analyze and calculate the return on investment regarding each keyword.
Progress Reports: For providing you a complete progress report of this ad campaign we provide you with weekly reports that will help you analyze its profitability.
Tweaking Finale: On the basis of weekly reports we again perform an elimination round to further lessen the no. of unimportant keywords thus, incrementing the return on investment for each group.
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